From Marvel to Ekos: A Fireside Chat With Founder David Maisel


From Marvel to Ekos: A Fireside Chat With Founder David Maisel

Live From the Gateway Season: 2.5 Episode: 20

February 08, 2024

How do you build a multi-billion dollar media empire?

David Maisel, the visionary behind Marvel Studios and Mythos Studios, shared his enthralling journey from comic book aficionado to cinematic game-changer — and why he’s all in on web3 with Ekos — in an exclusive fireside chat at Gateway Miami moderated by Now Media co-founder, CEO and EIC Matt Medved.

Maisel revealed the inception of Marvel Studios, driven by his love for comics and an innovative approach to storytelling that catapulted the MCU to staggering heights with hits like Iron Man, thanks to strategic casting and relentless belief in his creative vision. Transitioning into the digital realm with Ekos, Maisel is pioneering a new mythology through web3 and digital art, aiming to merge storytelling, technology, and community in unprecedented ways.

In this talk, we cover: 

  • The Marvel Studios origin story
  • How Maisel made a multi-billion dollar exit
  • Why web3 is a gamechanger for comic IP

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